
Minibus Insurance Comparison

Need to Compare Cheap Minibus Insurance?

  • Look for cheap minibus insurance in a matter of minutes
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  • Top deals from many of the UK’s best insurance providers

Minibus Insurance

Compare Minibus Insurance

Looking for cheap minibus insurance? Quickly and easily compare minibus insurance quotes in minutes to help you find a great deal.

What is minibus insurance?

Minibus insurance will cover you for damages if your minibus is involved in an accident such as a crash, fire, or theft depending on you level of cover. You can make a claim with your insurer and they will cover the costs of damages if the incident is within you level of cover.

Do I need special insurance for a minibus?

Standard minibus insurance policies aren’t likely to cover you for driving a minibus. Minibuses are large vehicles, typically used for business purposes and so involve different risks requiring a special type of insurance cover.

Is it expensive to insure a minibus?

Normally it will cost you more to insure a minibus compared to a car. This is because minibuses are larger and more expensive vehicles to repair and replace. They also carry more passengers, so any potential payout from an accident could be bigger if multiple passengers make a claim.

The cost of your insurance policy will depend on your individual circumstances and takes into account factors like the value of your minibus, your age, occupation, postcode and driving history.

What does minibus insurance cover?

Similar to other types of vehicle insurance you’ll be able to choose different types of minibus insurance depending on the level of cover you need:

  • Third party only insurance provides the minimum level of protection and covers losses and damage to third parties.
  • Third party, fire and theft insurance offers the same protection as third party only cover with added protection for fire damage or theft.
  • Fully comprehensive insurance offers the highest level of protection. It includes the same protections as third party, fire and theft cover but additionally covers you and your car if you’re at fault in an accident.
Do I need special insurance if I use my minibus for work?

Yes. As well as making sure you have the appropriate insurance for the type of vehicle you drive, you also need the appropriate cover for what you use it for. When you search for insurance policies make sure you’re including cover for business use, including:

  • Business use including hire and reward. This applies if you’re using your minibus to transport paying customers whether as a taxi, airport shuttle, wedding coach or party limo.
  • Carriage of passengers cover. You’ll need this for transporting non-paying passengers such as friends or volunteer groups.
How do I find cheap minibus insurance?

One of the best ways to find cheap minibus insurance deals is to compare minibus insurance quotes using a comparison tool. Aside from shopping around, you can also:

  • Increase your voluntary excess
  • Improve the security of your minibus with alarms or immobilisers
  • Choose a cheaper model of vehicle
Compare minibus insurance today

Find great deals on your minibus insurance. Simply fill in a quick online form and you’ll get minibus insurance quotes from trusted insurers across the UK to make it easier for you to compare offers and decide on the best deal for you.