Limousine Insurance Comparison
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Limo Insurance
Compare Limo Insurance
Are you a limo driver looking for cheap limo insurance? At we do all the hard work for you. With our free, no-fuss comparison service we can compare limo insurance quotes in minutes and help you find a great deal.
What is limo insurance?
Limos aren’t standard cars and are often used as private hire vehicles to transport people to and from special occasions. Limo insurance is specially designed to protect you against the particular risks that come with driving a limo.
How much is limo insurance?
Limo insurance can vary between policies just like any other vehicle you may choose to insure. Factors that influence the price include the age of the Limo, who will be driving it, and other common risk factors.
What does limo insurance cover?
When choosing a limo insurance policy it’s important to make sure you have the right insurance for the type of vehicle you drive and what you use it for.
You’ll be able to choose different types of limo insurance cover depending on what you need, including third-party only, third-party fire and theft, or fully comprehensive.
If you use your limo for work purposes, make sure you have the right cover.
- Business use hire and reward: If you’re using your limo to transport paying customers whether as a high-end taxi or wedding coach.
- Carriage of passengers cover: If you’re transporting non-paying passengers.
Have a fleet of limos? Then you might need some additional cover that protects your drivers and your business premises too.
Will my car insurance policy cover me to drive a limo?
A standard car insurance policy is unlikely to cover you for driving a limo. A limo is a much larger vehicle, often used for business and carrying more passengers, so the different risks involved require special limo insurance.
How much is limo insurance in the UK?
As limos are generally more expensive to repair or replace, it will typically cost you more to insure your limo compared to a car. If you’re driving a limo you’re also likely to be carrying more passengers, which means a bigger potential payout if there’s an accident and several passengers make a claim.
How much your limo insurance costs will largely depend on your individual circumstances. Factors like your age, driving history, occupation, postcode and the value of the limo will affect the cost of your premium.
How do I find cheap limo insurance?
If you’re looking for cheap limo insurance deals it’s a good idea to compare limo insurance quotes using a comparison site like
Beyond shopping around you can also:
- Improve the security of your limo by fitting alarms or immobilisers
- Increase your voluntary excess
- If possible, choose a cheaper limo model
- Avoid modifications that might make your limo more valuable or vulnerable to theft.
Compare limo insurance and find great deals with
Find great deals on your limo insurance with We’ll collect limo insurance quotes from trusted UK providers in an easy-to-understand format making it simpler for you to compare offers and decide on the right policy for you.