
Travel Insurance Comparison

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Travel Insurance Comparison

Whether you’re planning a round-the-world trip, or you’re organising a weekend city break in a European city much closer to home, the right travel insurance policy could be a wise investment. 

Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to pay over the odds for your travel insurance policy. By shopping around and comparing quotes from a wide range of different insurance providers you could find a suitable policy your trip at a surprisingly cheap price. 

Should I opt for annual travel insurance?

That depends on how frequently you tend to travel. If you’re something of a jetsetter you might find that an annual policy is a very worthwhile investment, whereas if you only tend to travel once a year then paying for 12 months of coverage might not make sense.

Does travel insurance cover medical expenses?

Yes, most travel insurance policies do include ‘medical expenses cover’, which means you should be covered if you need medical treatment while you’re overseas.

However, it’s important to double check your policies coverage level, particularly if you’re travelling to a country like the USA, where medical bills tend to be eye wateringly expensive for travellers. 

Do I still need travel insurance for a domestic holiday within the UK?

Yes, we’d still recommend you take out travel insurance for your trip even if you aren’t venturing overseas. After all, the same issues that could dampen an overseas holiday (cancelled flights, lost luggage, uninhabitable hotels) could still arise when you’re holidaying in the UK, so UK travel insurance would still be a worthwhile investment.

Can I take out travel insurance if I have a pre-existing medical condition?

Yes, that should still be possible, although you might have to pay a higher premium for your travel insurance policy.

Alternatively, your travel insurance provider might agree to cover you for routine issues like cancelled flights and lost luggage, whilst specifically excluding any insurance claims that relate to your pre-existing medical condition.

Can I take out travel insurance if I’m over 70?

Yes, it should still be possible to find a suitable travel insurance policy, although it does mean you might have a smaller number of travel insurance providers to choose from, and you might also have to pay a higher premium than you would if you were a younger traveller.