
Boat Insurance Comparison

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  • Top deals from many of the UK’s best insurance providers

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Boat Insurance Comparison

Phil Hoey
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    Whether you need to insure a yacht or a rowing boat, a catamaran or a fishing vessel, it pays to shop around by comparing boat insurance quotes from a wide range of different providers.

    When you compare boat insurance companies from numerous providers with one short form, you can increase your odds of finding the best boat insurance for your needs.

    How much does boat insurance cost?

    To put it bluntly, it depends.

    Yachts will obviously cost a lot more to insure than rowing boats and canal boat insurance will cost a lot more than dinghy insurance.

    Where you sail your boat will also influence your premium, as will the location of your store or marina your boat when you aren’t using it.

    Your history of boat insurance claims will also affect your premium – if you claimed for a boating accident last year you can expect a higher premium this year, for instance.

    How much is boat insurance monthly? 

    This again depends on certain factors like the one mentioned above.

    The best plan is to compare real boat insurance quotes, which should give you an accurate idea of how much you’re going to have to pay to insure your particular boat.

    Does boat insurance cover the contents of my boat as well?

    Some boat insurance policies do offer boat contents cover as standard, while others will allow you to add it to your policy as an optional extra.

    I live on my boat year-round, will this affect my boat insurance?

    If you own a houseboat or canal boat that you live on year-round you will need to declare this fact to your insurance provider. It’s possible your premium might be a bit higher because you’ll be using the boat a lot more frequently than a recreational sailing enthusiast, but it’s worth this extra cost because in your case your boat isn’t just your boat, it’s also your home!