
Apartment Insurance Comparison

Want to Compare Cheap Apartment Insurance?

  • Look for cheap apartment insurance in a matter of minutes
  • Compare multiple policies with one short form
  • Top deals from many of the UK’s best insurance providers

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Compare Apartment Insurance Online

Need cheap apartment insurance? Whether it’s buildings or contents cover you need, can help you access quick comparisons on apartment insurance so you can find great deals.

What factors affect apartment insurance?

Several factors can affect the price you pay for apartment insurance, including:

  • Your postcode. Insurers will look at crime and burglary rates when calculating your premium.
  • Security. Added protections like door and window locks and alarms could reduce your costs.
  • Your circumstances. Your personal situation, including your age and occupation, can affect your rates.
  • Flood risk. If you live in an area of high flood risk, you’re likely to pay more.

Providers can give different weightings to these variables, so it’s always a good idea to shop around and compare quotes from a wide range of insurers.

Do I need apartment building insurance if I own the apartment?

If you own a share of the freehold, then you normally need to take out a joint buildings insurance policy with your neighbours. 

If your apartment is owned on a leasehold basis, then it’s likely the freeholder will be responsible for insuring the building, but make sure to double-check this in the leaseholder agreement.

What does apartment insurance cover?

There are different types of cover you can opt for to insure an apartment. Here are some of the main types of apartment insurance:

  • Buildings insurance covers any structural damage caused to the roof, walls, floor and more.
  • Contents insurance covers damage to personal possessions in your home but doesn’t include fixtures like carpets, bathroom or kitchen fittings.
  • Accidental damage protects you from any one-off mishaps that cause damage to your home fixtures and possessions.
  • Home emergency cover offers assistance if you have an emergency like a broken boiler.
  • Legal expenses can cover the cost of legal fees if you get into a dispute with neighbours.
  • Alternative accommodation cover pays for the cost of temporary accommodation if your apartment is uninhabitable because of fire or flood damage.
Does apartment insurance cover accidental damage?

A standard buildings and contents insurance policy won’t typically include accidental damage cover, but you can usually add this on to your policy as an optional extra for a fee.

How do I find cheap apartment insurance?

As a first step, it’s a good idea to compare apartment insurance quotes from multiple providers. Use an unbiased comparison service to collect quotes from trusted UK providers. Beyond that, the following steps might help you secure cheap apartment insurance:

  • Pay for your policy annually rather than monthly.
  • Improve your home security with alarms, BSI-approved locks and glass-break sensors.
  • Increase your voluntary excess.
  • Build up a no-claims discount.
How do I find great deals on apartment insurance?

Find fantastic deals on flat and apartment insurance is easy when you compare quotes. Fill out a quick and easy online form and this service will search some of the top UK providers to find you great deals on your apartment insurance today.