
Motorbike Insurance Comparison

Compare Motorbike Insurance

  • Find motorbike insurance in a matter of minutes
  • Compare 20+ providers & you could pay less than £239*
  • Top deals from many of the UK’s best insurance providers

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Motorbike Insurance Comparison

Motorbike insurance may be mandatory, but one thing that isn’t mandatory is paying over the odds for your policy. 

By shopping around and comparing quotes from a wide range of different insurance providers you stand a far better chance of finding the right motorbike insurance at the right price. And that’s where comes into its own. The comparison service can help you compare policies from over 20 different providers with one short form – you’d be roaring mad not to use it.

How much does motorbike insurance cost?

The short answer?

“It depends”.

The long answer?

Motorcycle insurance specialists take a wide range of different variables into account when they’re calculating your premium, many of which are unique to you, so the cost will very much depend on those factors.

For instance, the type of motorbike you ride, where you live, how old you are, how long you’ve held your licence and what you do for a living can all influence the cost of your motorbike insurance.

What level of coverage should I take out when I’m insuring a motorbike?

Third party only motorbike insurance is the minimum level of coverage you must take out by law, but we’d recommend that you consider a fully-comprehensive policy if it’s within your budget, because (as the name suggests) fully-comp offers motorbike riders the most comprehensive insurance coverage there is.

Do motorbikes fall into different insurance groups like cars do?

Yes, as with cars and vans, motorcycles are categorised into different insurance groups, and the group a motorbike is in does have an impact on the cost of insuring that bike. 

Motorbike models are assigned to insurance groups based on the bike’s purchase price, engine size, and performance level, but other factors such as availability of spare parts and average time required for repairs also influence the grouping.

*51% of consumers who received a quote for Motorbike Insurance through this service provided by Seopa Ltd. in February 2024 were quoted less than £238.63. The price you could achieve is dependent on your individual circumstances.