
Moped Insurance Comparison

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Moped Insurance

If you’re looking for moped insurance, you’ll want to make sure you get great value. We understand that finding good moped insurance can be a time-consuming process, so this comparison system is designed to make it easy to compare premiums, coverage, and features from trusted insurers so you can find a great policy for your needs.

What is moped insurance?

Moped insurance is a type of motorbike insurance policy that can cover you for damage to your own moped or personal injury, or property damage you might cause on the road. It’s important to make sure you have the right level of cover to suit your needs.

Do mopeds need insurance in the UK?

Yes, it’s a legal requirement in the UK to have at least third-party insurance when riding a moped. This is to protect other road users as well as yourself and your own property. If you’re caught without valid insurance, you could face severe penalties such as points on your licence or fines.

What type of insurance do I need for a moped?

There are three main types of moped insurance available: Third-party, third-party fire and theft, and comprehensive. Third-party covers you for damage to other people’s property or injury to someone else, while third-party fire and theft will also cover you if your own bike is stolen or damaged by fire. Comprehensive provides the most extensive protection, covering you for damage to your own moped as well as other people’s property or injury to someone else.

How much does moped insurance cost?

The cost of a moped insurance policy can vary depending on the type and amount of cover you choose, your age and driving record, where you live, and the make and model of your moped.

Can you get cheap moped insurance?

In general, mopeds are usually cheaper to insure than cars. This is because they’re smaller and lighter, and often, less valuable. However, the cost of your insurance will ultimately depend on the type of cover you choose and the individual insurer’s rates. Compare moped insurance quotes to find good deals.

Are mopeds cheaper to insure?

Yes, mopeds are generally cheaper to insure than other types of motored bikes and scooters. This is due to the smaller engine and reduced risk of inflicting major damage when compared with other vehicles that travel faster.

Do you have to pay insurance on a 50cc moped?

Yes, you will need to pay for insurance when riding a 50cc moped. As with any type of motorised vehicle, it’s illegal to ride without at least third-party cover in the UK. This also goes for 125ccs, scooters, and any other type of powered two-wheeler.

Why should I compare moped insurance?

It’s important to compare moped insurance quotes as every policy and insurer is different. This comparison platform makes it easy to search and compare quotations from leading UK insurers to find an excellent deal.